Liv & Livtrase are the only two humans who survive Ragnarok. The survive by hiding in the Hoddmime forest/the stem of Yggdrasil(?). Their source of nutrition being morning dew.

In Norse mythology, Hel is a being who presides over a realm of the same name, where she receives a portion of the dead.

Chessboard pattern. I read Neil Gaiman's "Norse Mythology" and the ending of the book inspired my to use a chessboard pattern in my drawing.

Liv & Livtrase are the only two humans who survive Ragnarok. The survive by hiding in the Hoddmime forest/the stem of Yggdrasil(?). Their source of nutrition being morning dew.
These are some of my starting point-drawings for a project titled "Ragnarok".
When I've made all the drawings I need, I'll tear them up (deconstruct) and put them back together (reconstruct) to make one drawing.